We are excited to offer the four pre-conference workshops. The workshops will run on April 15, 2025. The workshops are free, but please pre-register at qrmconf@gmail.com by April 4, 2025 so we can provide a list of attendees to the workshop presenters.
Interviewing Beyond Words—Paper Development Workshop
Luciara Nardon, Amrita Hari, and Sasha Valgardsson,
Carleton University, Canada
9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
This workshop seeks to support participants to generate research ideas and think differently about interviews. QRM gatherings are an opportunity to engage with like-minded scholars pushing the foundations and limits of traditional management theories, methodologies, and pedagogies. In this vein, this pre-conference workshop seeks to reimagine the potential of interviews to facilitate sensemaking and communication in management and organizational research.
Interviews support and influence participants’ sensemaking, have therapeutic effects, encourage reflexivity, and make new understandings possible. This pre-conference workshop is also connected to the Special Collection entitled “Interviewing beyond Words: Exploring Multimodal Approaches for Enhancing Sensemaking” for the International Journal of Qualitative Methods. In this special collection, we are interested in contributions that explore a variety of interview techniques that fulfill different communicative needs to facilitate sensemaking and reflection, including but not limited to metaphor elicitation, photo-elicitation, arts-based methods, and the use of artifacts.
As guest editors, we will briefly present our vision for the special collection and then engage in interactive activities to support participants to reflect on their interviewing assumptions, develop their research ideas, and, for those interested in the special collection, provide feedback on potential submissions. We welcome researchers and practitioners at all stages of their work.
The workshop will be held on Tuesday, 15 April 2025 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Luciara Nardon is a Professor of International Business at the Sprott School of Business at Carleton University. Luciara’s research explores cultural and cognitive influences on work in multicultural environments using qualitative methods. She has been funded for multiple projects by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) and has published several books and academic articles in prestigious journals. Luciara is engaged in developing, applying and teaching reflective interview approaches that are supportive of research participants and generate rich insights for researchers.
Amrita Hari is Director and Associate Professor in the Feminist Institute of Social Transformation at Carleton University. She examines the reproduction of gender, race, and class hierarchies in global migration policies, including the intersectional identities of and acts of resistance by migrants, focusing on Canada. She teaches undergraduate and graduate classes on anti-racist and decolonial research methods, and her collaborative work with Professor Nardon includes re-imagining social research to support and empower participants.
Sasha Valgardsson is a doctoral student pursuing a Ph.D. in Management, with a specialization in International Management, at the Sprott School of Business at Carleton University. Sasha’s research explores topics related to multiculturality using qualitative research methods rooted in reflexivity and creativity. Her work is driven by a desire to explore how cultural and cognitive influences may lead to fostering openness and belonging in multicultural environments.